Formation Commission

The Formation Commission coordinates all levels of educational programming in the parish, children through adults, Catholic and public school children alike.  The Commission's role is to foster cooperation, coordination and communication among all groups and individuals involved in the education/formation ministries of the parish.  The Formation Commission coordinates the following committees and groups: Adult Formation Committee, Parish School Board, Religious Education Core Team, Intergenerational Ministry, Sacramental Preparation, Small Groups and the RCIA Team.

Education and Faith Formation involves such activities as children’s religious education, youth formation, sacramental preparation, parish school, Christian Initiation, small group faith sharing, family ministry and marriage preparation.

The Formation Commission is responsible for the following:

  1. Try to involve and encourage all eligible parishioners to participate in the formational  programs of the parish.
  2. Encourage communication and coordination between the School Board, the Religious Education Committee and the Adult Formation Committee, as well as whatever other educational committees may be formed.
  3. To communicate to all the parishioners all that is happening in religious formation in the  parish on all levels as a way of fostering greater awareness and participation.
  4. The make-up of the Commission is to include at least one School Board member, one Religious Education Committee member and one Adult Formation member, along with others involved in some aspect of parish religious education and formation.
  1. Fatima Medina
  2. Kathleen Nyquist
  3. Lynne Noble
  4. Susan Connelly
  5. Erma Mendonça

The Formation Commission is responsible for assisting the following ministries:

  1. Escuela San Andres
  2. Jesus Vive
  3. Marriage Encounter
  4. Pre-Baptismal Preparation Classes
  5. Pre-Marriage Preparation Classes
  6. Religious Education
  7. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
  8. Third Order Carmelites
  9. Vacation Bible School
  10. Ven y Sigueme
  11. Women's Bible Study
  12. Youth Ministry
  13. Catholic Scriptural Investigation (CSI)
  1. Support Youth Ministry
  2. Divine Mercy Sunday Parish Celebration
  3. Develop and implement more opportunities for adult faith formation.